Saturday, October 3, 2009

First of Many

I certainly hope it will become that.

Alas, I have begun my blogging career hopefully to great success. Although, I'm not entirely sure what that means. I know I will spend many a night laying awake imagining that I have a faithful, captive audience, sitting intently staring at their screen, eating up every word that I post. Horribly disappointed on the days that I do not fulfill their voyeuristic curiosity on my comings and goings.

Or perhaps I'm simply keeping a record of my thoughts in a journal. Since I have never seemed to be able to do this very thing on paper. Then again, no one has been reading that, at least not that I'm aware of. This is a very narcissistic tool in my estimation, assuming that people will read and enjoy, or at least comment on, thoughts of one particular individual.

Anyhow, I hopefully will be able to pick a theme and continue on that path for the life of this blog, that theme I wish to be jewelry.

More on that later... to the studio I go. Maybe I'll tell you about it.


  1. Hey sweetie, this is a beautiful site. I shall be checking in for updates on the world of Joolery. Especially when you are traveling

  2. Oh, thanks for commenting on HER blog and not mine! WTF.

    PS... Julie, turn of your captcha crap for your comments, super annoying!

  3. With my blog I talk a lot about jewelry but throw other things in that are going on in my life. Just go with the flow, your jewelry is beautiful by the way.
